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Arrow Exterminators Blog

April 13, 2010

Adding Pest Proofing to Your Spring Cleaning List

Shay Runion

This year's harsh winter seems as though it has finally come to an end. Spring has definitely arrived, and with it, the annual homeowner rite of spring cleaning. In addition to the typical spring cleaning activities, pest proofing should be added to the list. Many homeowners don't realize that their kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms may be harboring pests that could pose dangers to their health, home and belongings. Here are some tips on what pests to look for in and around the house and how to keep them out:


It is no surprise that the pantry is a popular place for pests seeking food, but did you know that ants, cockroaches and moths are often found in pantries feeding on dried fruits, grains, seeds, nuts, chocolate, birdseed, dog food, and more? Once they get into the food, there is potential for contamination. Cockroaches, specifically, can spread E coli and salmonella. Consider storing food in sealed containers, wiping counters and emptying trash cans frequently to decrease pests' temptation to stop in for snacks.


Ready to tackle cleaning the closet? Moths may be found in closets feeding on natural fabrics like silks, cotton and wool. Be sure to wash and iron or dry-clean clothes before storing them away for summer. Silverfish are also a common pest found in these rooms. They feed on synthetic fibers such as clothing, books and other paper products. Silverfish and moths are attracted to moisture, so be sure to eliminate dampness by running fans or dehumidifiers.

Living Spaces

Do you have a family pet? Be on the lookout for fleas on your dog's bed or cat's climbing tree. Mice are also popular house pests that can be found behind floorboards and under furniture. Keep spaces crumb-free by sweeping and vacuuming often and consider updating your pets' flea-prevention treatments now too.


Spring cleaning doesn't just include indoor work, it's also important to keep the garage and exterior of your house clean too. Storing trash receptacles tightly closed, eliminating sources of moisture and standing water, sealing cracks and small openings along the foundation, and cutting branches and other plants back away from the house will help prepare your yard for spring and prevent cockroaches, termites mosquitoes and other pests from entering your home.

We hope these tips will help you make the most of your spring cleaning and help you maintain a pest-free home!