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Arrow Exterminators Blog


March 24, 2023

Empty Nesters? Think Again: Five Pests Who Nest In Your Home

Nothing can ruin a quiet, relaxing night in — except for chewing, scratching, and squeaking sounds, of course.

Though you may not see pests around you, it doesn’t mean they aren’t there. They’ll leave little signs, and if you follow the trails, you’ll find yourself face-to-face with their home within a home: their nest. Here are five pests that may be getting a little too cozy in your space.


It’s no secret that termites love to feast on the wood of homes, especially if it’s old, rotting, or unsealed. If you suspect termites, look for their poo, which resembles sawdust, and loose insect wings. Then, locate the nest.

They build moist, warm, dark nests on top of the wood they call “dinner.” Other kinds of termites will build their nests underground, with tunnels leading to the wood of your home. The nests consist of a maze of galleries and are constructed mostly of fecal matter.

If you think you’ve located a nest within your walls, tap lightly with a hammer, and if it’s not hollow, call the professionals for quick removal.


Though small, mice can wreak havoc in your home by chewing electrical wires, burrowing away in your attic, or scavenging for food scraps. They can fit through tiny holes and gaps, so look for any openings in your home and seal them quickly.

Then, search common nesting spots, such as the attic, crawl spaces, or behind refrigerators. They’ll leave behind small black droppings, which could help lead you to their nests. The nest will consist of debris from chewed-up paper, plastic, twigs, and leaves. As they reproduce quickly, it’s best to contact a pest control professional for help with these nests.


No stranger to making their home within the walls of your space, wasps often build their nests in roof eaves, windows, or beneath porches and decks. Unfortunately for us, they’re social creatures, which means their nests are typically large and lively.

To spot a wasps’ nest, look for a football-shaped cone made of plant debris with one opening at the end. Wasps defend their nests fiercely, and the nests keep growing to accommodate new family members, meaning one nest could quickly overtake a wall cavity. Since they’re known to be aggressive, seek professional help when dealing with these buzzing pests.  



If you hear the constant sounds of scratching, chewing, or scurrying, chances are you have some fluffy visitors — squirrels. They seek safe, warm shelter, making your attics and crawl spaces the perfect place to build their home.

Their nests usually consist of chewed cardboard, insulation, and leaves. If you find a nest from February to May or August through October, there's a high chance you're playing babysitter to little squirrel families. For a safe and efficient removal, leave these to the professionals.

Carpenter Bees

Instead of building more obvious hives and nests like honey bees and wasps, carpenter bees burrow into wood, creating tunnels and chambers for their eggs. Even though you can’t see the nest, you’ll notice the constant buzzing of the bees as they remain near their nest’s opening to ward off predators.

Their nests will resemble large, round holes in the wood and need to be quickly removed and inspected for tunnels that distribute from the original entry point. As bees can be aggressive, it’s best to seek the help of professionals when dealing with these pests.

Ready to kick out your unwanted roommates?

Don't procrastinate on getting professional assistance if you suspect pests are nesting. Give Arrow Exterminators a call today for a personalized pest control plan.