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Arrow Exterminators Blog

June 08, 2010

Fun Ideas to Keep Kids from Bugging Out This Summer

Shay Runion

It's June, which means we have three beautiful months of summer ahead of us. Do you and your family have any plans? While it's a carefree time for the kids, with no schoolwork or studying, it can be a stressful time of the year for most parents.

Luckily, we at Arrow Exterminators have come up with a few ideas to ease your worries and keep your kids from bugging out over the next few months. Try one of our fun and educational activities, and we're sure it will help keep them entertained all summer long!

  • Have Fun With Science: No matter where you live, there is sure to be a science center or insectarium near you. They usually consist of fun, interactive exhibits that are always changing. Spend the day at the museum learning about pests. Then, upon returning home, turn your children's learning experience into a game by seeing if they can identify where in and around the house the pests might be found.
  • Find Your Inner Michelangelo: Teach your children about various pests, then, using products found around the house, challenge them to create a sculpture based off their pest "muse." Simple household objects, such as pipe cleaners, toilet paper rolls, cotton balls and glue can make wonderful works of art!
  • Sleep under the Stars: Enjoy the "Great Outdoors" with an old-fashioned camp out in your own backyard! But, make the experience educational by teaching your kids how to prevent pests from ruining their outdoor slumber party. Ask your kids to inspect the backyard, looking for any sources of standing water to prevent any mosquitoes from joining the party. Next, show your kids how to properly seal their food to prevent wildlife from enjoying a free meal. Finally, when the last campfire song has been sung, be sure the tent is closed up tight!

In addition to these activities, turn household chores into fun assignments. Encourage your children to become pest pros by keeping their surroundings clean. Reward them when they fight off pests through daily responsibilities, such as giving the dog a bath, getting rid of clutter and keeping all snacks and food sealed tight. It will provide the foundation for a pest-free environment!