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Arrow Exterminators Blog

June 15, 2009

How to entertain your "pests" this summer

Cindy Mannes

With summer peering around the corner, two things are prone to getting out of control: the kids and the bugs. School is out, the energy is running high and kids are looking for something to do. Luckily, Arrow Exterminators has you covered with educational - yet fun - activities that will help your kids to chill out despite the rising temperatures:

  • Gather some household items and craft supplies to allow kids to design their own bug. Be creative! Even an empty toilet paper roll and some pipe cleaners can turn into an ant.
  • Revise the standard game of bingo for some vacation fun. The first child to find five new bugs they do not find at home wins.
  • Keep fun at a low expense when you encourage kids to start a bug collection. A nature kit or a glass jar with holes poked on the lids becomes an adventure to capture the coolest bug on a cheap budget.
  • Let your children become detectives on "Pest Control" to keep bugs away for picnics and barbecues. One of their special jobs can be to clear any rainwater that has collected in outdoor toys and appliances to avoid mosquitoes.
  • Finally, if you are trapped inside on a rainy day, Arrow Exterminators can provide more educational opportunities on its website. Visit and select "For Teachers & Kids." This will take you to a vast amount of interesting pest facts and photos. It also allows kids to pretend to transform into an ant, battle pests in the house and test their knowledge of pests.

So, it is time to embrace your inner nature lover and help your kids expand their knowledge of science with these fun activities…that will keep them from "bugging" you all summer long!