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Arrow Exterminators Blog

September 23, 2011

The Pests of Fall

Shay Runion VP of Profesional Development

As the long hot summer finally comes to an end, folks often think their battle with pests is as well. While certain pest populations do diminish with cooler weather, the fact is that many continue to thrive and also begin to seek food and shelter indoors. Every fall, we receive an increase in pest related calls from homeowners.

So as you are enjoying the change in seasons and gearing up for football games and fall festivals, Arrow Exterminators wants to share with you the top five most prevalent pests we expect to see this fall along with tips for keeping them outside where they belong!

Rodents: Some of the most common fall intruders are mice and rats. Just like us, they need warmth and food to survive the winter. A concern because they can spread diseases, build nests in insulation and chew through wiring causing fires, these cunning little invaders have the unique ability to fit through cracks as small as a nickel, making small spaces and holes in the foundation easy entryways. And, they rarely travel alone, often bringing fleas, mites, ticks and lice along with them creating even more issues. To prevent these creatures from entering the home, always store food in airtight containers and seal all cracks around the foundation of your home. Rodents reproduce extremely quickly, so if an infestation is suspected, a pest professional should be contacted immediately.

Stink Bugs: Brown marmorated stink bugs will definitely be out in force this fall, actively seeking shelter from the cooler weather. While they don't transmit diseases, bite or sting, these "stinky" pests can damage clothing, furniture and other fabrics with their droppings. So named because they emit a strong odor when frightened, disturbed or squashed to repel predators, they are also a bit lazy preferring to hide in personal belongings and cars to make their way indoors. You should always check your belongings before bringing them inside and make sure that all screens on doors and windows are in good repair.

Bed Bugs: Bed bugs have been a constant in the news lately and this fall will bring no relief. In fact, as many travel for sporting events or family gatherings and head back to school and college, we are likely to see an increase in home infestations. Notorious hitchhikers, bed bugs will catch a ride on clothing, suitcases, and even schoolbags to enter the home. Although not thought to spread disease, bed bugs can leave behind itchy welts on their victims and there can be lasting emotional and psychological effects from an infestation. To minimize the risk of transporting these pests, always inspect hotel rooms before unpacking, keep personal belongings off the floor in public places and check all suitcases before bringing them back in the home. Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pests to control. If an infestation is suspected, a pest professional should be contacted immediately.

Ants: Many types of ants can be found in and around the home during the fall months and some can cause real harm. Odorous house ants can contaminate food and carpenter ants can damage the structure of a home. To prevent ants from entering your home, seal all cracks around the foundation, store food in airtight containers, sweep floors often, eliminate sources of standing water and keep tree branches and plants cut back. Additionally, don't store firewood and building materials next to the home and don't store unused firewood in the home overnight.

Cockroaches: Cockroaches are definitely one of the most common and most dangerous pests on our list. They have the potential to spread 33 different kinds of bacteria and they can trigger asthma attacks in children. Since cockroaches tend to be found near pipes and drains, keep kitchens and bathrooms sanitized, vacuum frequently and ensure that all cracks around the home are sealed.

We hope these tips will help ensure you have a pest-free fall, but if any from this notorious bunch find their way into your home, remember to contact a pest professional immediately.