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Arrow Exterminators Blog

November 20, 2013

Pests to Be Thankful For This Holiday Season

Shay Runion VP HR & Professional Development

With the holiday season finally here, many of us are reflecting on all of the good things in our lives that we are thankful for.  While pests don't generally top the list and usually get a bad r...

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October 31, 2013

Be on the Lookout for the Top Five Creepiest Pests This Halloween

Kimberly Beaudin, VP of Marketing

Halloween is right around the corner and that means our neighborhoods will soon be crawling with ghosts, witches, vampires and goblins on the hunt for candy.  While these are make believe spooky...

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July 14, 2013

Send Pests Packing While You're Away from Home

Kimberly Beaudin, VP of Marketing

Summer is the prime time for many vacations.  It is also the time when many pest populations are at their peak.  You take the proper precautions to protect your home from burglars while you are ...

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June 04, 2013

Top 5 Summer Stingers

Cindy Mannes, Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer

It's summer - the season of backyard barbeques, days by the pool and fun in the sun!  Unfortunately, while enjoying our outdoor summertime we often have to combat pests. It's no fun swatting awa...

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May 22, 2013

Mosquito Season Is Here!

Shay Runion, VP HR & Professional Development

The good news is, flowers are blooming, the days are getting longer and it is finally getting warmer.  The bad news is, that means mosquito season is right around the corner.  Experts are predic...

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