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Arrow Exterminators Blog

July 30, 2009

Looking to sell or buy a home? Don't overlook the pests.

Rick Bell

The housing market has been the subject of intense scrutiny over the past few months. According to the National Association of Realtors, there are currently 3.8 million homes "on the market." Ce...

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July 28, 2009

Arrow In The News

Cindy Mannes

If you've been watching your local news station or reading the newspaper lately, you may have noticed Arrow Exterminators contributing to stories as an expert in the pest control industry. Arrow...

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June 15, 2009

How to entertain your "pests" this summer

Cindy Mannes

With summer peering around the corner, two things are prone to getting out of control: the kids and the bugs. School is out, the energy is running high and kids are looking for something to do. ...

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May 18, 2009

Is that a flying termite or ant that I see???

Shay Runion

We've been receiving a large number of calls from our customers in Florida and Georgia reporting termite swarms. And really it comes as no surprise since the hotter temps and heavy rains have cr...

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April 29, 2009

With record heavy rains comes an unwelcome summer pest

Shay Runion

With the record heavy rains we've been experiencing and now that the higher temperatures are here, this is creating prime conditions for one of the most dreaded summer pests - the blood-suckin...

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