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Arrow Exterminators Blog

April 13, 2010

Adding Pest Proofing to Your Spring Cleaning List

Shay Runion

This year's harsh winter seems as though it has finally come to an end. Spring has definitely arrived, and with it, the annual homeowner rite of spring cleaning. In addition to the typical sp...

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April 08, 2010

The Latest Buzz on Carpenter Bees

Shay Runion

Is that faint buzzing noise outside your home making you crazy? First you thought it might be an air conditioner, right? Or, perhaps a lawnmower in the distance? Why won't it EVER stop? You c...

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March 03, 2010

Unseasonably Cold Temperatures Will Not Eliminate Spring Termite Risks

Shay Runion

The arrival of spring's warmer temperatures also means the arrival of spring pests. The wet conditions we experienced this winter provided the prefect breeding ground for one of our region's ...

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November 04, 2009

Keeping Pests Away With A Few Simple STEPS®

Shay Runion

You may have noticed that the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder. A warm house and a warm meal start to become more appealing this time of year. Unfortunately, these fall...

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October 27, 2009

5 Creepy Crawler Bug Costumes You Won't See Kids Wearing

Shay Runion, VP of Professional Development

With Halloween right around the corner, kids are aflutter with thoughts of candy and dressing up. Halloween can be scary enough for little guys, so parents often choose cutesy costumes for the y...

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